Partner with Komoder to Enhance Your Business

Komoder Massage Chairs

As a business owner you are always looking for ways to improve your customer's experience and increase their satisfaction, but also to increase your revenues.

At Komoder, we specialize in retailing high-quality massage chairs and offer an opportunity for you to enhance your business by hosting our products.

By partnering with us, you can offer your customers a unique and relaxing experience that will keep them coming back.

Our massage chairs are proven to help maintain mental health, sleep quality, skin elasticity, relieve stress and fatigue, and increase productivity.

Your customers will appreciate the opportunity to use our chairs for free and enjoy the benefits of a complex collection of massage programs.

Komoder Massage Chairs

Partnering with Komoder is a win-win situation:

You can host our chairs for a specific period of time, and they can be used by both your customers but also by Komoder's potential clients, who can visit the partner only with the purpose of testing the massage chairs.

We deliver the massage chairs free of charge and provide ongoing service and maintenance while you host our chairs. You will also benefit from increased foot traffic and a positive reputation for providing exceptional service.

Our massage chairs are a perfect fit for a wide range of businesses like the wellness industry, different kinds of showrooms, etc...

  • Salons: Hair and nail salons, spa and beauty centers, gyms, and fitness centers;
  • Waiting rooms: Doctor's offices, dental clinics;
  • Event venues: Conferences, trade shows, and other events where attendees can enjoy a moment of relaxation;
  • Showrooms: Car showrooms, furniture showrooms, fitness showrooms, etc...

How can we be contacted?

If you are interested in becoming a partner, simply contact us at or call us at +31 625 420 022, with your company's details and location, and we will be happy to come back to you with a tailored collaboration proposal that meets both our needs and interests!